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Passionate Curiosity

We strive to always be on the path of improvement, and to maintain a sense of insatiable curiosity.  At Setser Group, our work to catalyze equitable and sustainable solutions for learning and work lead us to the forefront of people-centric design tools, products, and services.

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Thought Leadership


Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to drive meaningful change and inspire a brighter future in education and work.

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Wayfinder: Truths, Tools, and Triumphs to Help Leaders Find Their Way

In an era of unprecedented technological advancements and societal transformations, the traditional pathways that once guided us have given way to a vast, uncharted territory. In this transformative age, there is a critical need for a new breed of pioneers – Wayfinders.


Barriers for Breakfast Conversations

Barriers for Breakfast was born from the belief that education and work should be vehicles for empowerment, rather than gatekeepers of exclusivity. We strive to shatter stereotypes, debunk myths, and challenge societal norms that hinder the growth of diverse talents and unique perspectives.

Thought Leadership

Thought Leadership

Wayfinder: Truths, Tools, and Triumphs to Help Leaders Find Their Way


Upcoming release: 2024

In 2011, I left a job at the North Carolina Virtual School to take a role with an education start-up. Three months prior to leaving, I had been working with the CEO of the start-up, and he had been paying me to give him advice on virtual and blended learning. He had always paid me on time, the work I was helping him develop was exciting, and I was growing tired of the bureaucracy of the state education department. He offered a tremendous opportunity...

Street Protest

Barriers for Breakfast Conversations

Barriers for Breakfast is a series of curated discussions with a variety of passionate educators and leaders about where we've been, where we are, and where we are going in the future of learning and work. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to be the first to know when the next conversations are released!

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There's always something new to learn.

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